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Plans for Collaton Park

We are delighted to advise that Pillar Land Securities and Coln Signature homes have been granted full planning permission for the ‘Construction of 125 dwellings, commercial business units, landscaped parkland, community boat storage/parking, allotments, improvements to existing permissive pathway and public footway and landscaping’.

An update for the site at Collaton Park (August 2024)

A start on site was made in Spring 2024 by our enabling contractors and work in earnest is due to commence in the Autumn of this year.

We are expecting the first homes to be ready for occupation early summer 2025.

This exciting new development will offer 125 new energy-efficient homes comprised of the following:

  • 68 x open market homes;
  • 18 x community land trust ‘social rented’ homes;
  • 22 x affordable ‘rent-to-buy’ homes;
  • 9 x affordable ‘self/custom build’ plots; and
  • 8 x homes for the over 55’s

All affordable homes will be available to those in housing need bands A - E inclusive, with priority given to those with a Strong Local Connection and registered on Devon Home Choice. More information is available here - How it works | Devon home choice

If you are interested in one of the Affordable Homes, to qualify you must register with ‘Devon Home Choice’ here -

If you are interested in one of the Self Build Homes, to qualify you must register with South Hams ‘Self Build Register’ -

You may have noticed that our ‘Coming Soon’ signage has been installed on the boundary of the site (as per the below).

The sales and marketing brochure is currently underway and further details, such as availability and pricing, will be released in due course. 

Future updates will be via the Collaton Park website at This website was originally set up to provide the community and interested stakeholders with information about the planning application but will shortly be re-purposed to advertise homes for sale. It will therefore look a little different in the coming months.

Everyone on our database will be contacted as and when further information becomes available, however, if you would like to reaffirm your interest, or provide further information regarding specifically what it is you are looking for in a new home, as well as the timescale in which you are looking to move, please do write to us at or phone us on 01454 301 500 and we will update our records accordingly.

By being registered with us, you will be eligible to receive information as it becomes available (you may opt out at any time).

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you do have any questions. If not, we look forward to seeing you at our marketing events soon.

Best wishes,

The Project Team

Contact details:
01454 301 500


Here is a brief overview of some of our proposals, which we believe creates a truly sustainable proposal.

Newton and Noss Community Land Trust will be gifted fully serviced land under our proposals, to enable them to provide 18 Social Rented homes for those with a strong local connection – these homes are in-perpetuity and are not subject to the ‘Right to Buy’, which will support the ongoing use of these homes for those in most need for generations, and not the country average of just twelve years.

Affordable ‘Rent to Buy’ housing for those on low to middle incomes, who cannot save for a deposit, and who are gifted a 10% deposit at the point of purchase at years 5, 10, 15 or 20 years, while renting at an Affordable Rent level, capped to the local housing allowance for the initial 5-years and 80% Affordable Rent thereafter.

Shared Ownership / Shared Equity ‘older peoples’ homes, in bungalow style, rich in technology, to support an ageing population to remain in their homes for longer..

Affordable ‘Custom build / Self build’ homes, for those with a strong local connection.

Open Market homes for sale, that are smaller and more appropriately sized for ‘First Time buyers’ and ‘Second Time Movers’ to cater for people who want to move back closer to the local villages, with a commitment to market these locally prior to any market advertising.

Open market ‘Intergenerational’ homes, whereby families can live together and support childcare and older age living.

All the homes subject to this application will have a Primary Residency clause imposed on them. This is important, as more of the homes across both Newton and Noss have become Second Homes (45% in Noss alone). This scheme, and the restrictions on who can own them, will more effectively support the sustainability of the village in the long term.

Affordable homes in the Parish have previously been allocated to households registered on Devon Home Choice bands A – D. As part of our negotiation with South Hams Housing Officers, the affordable homes at Collaton will be allocated to households in bands A - E. This will enable local households who would previously have missed out due to being deemed ‘adequately housed’ the opportunity to apply for these homes. Applicants must also meet the criteria of a ’Strong Local Connection’ to the Parish of Newton and Noss with priority given to those ranking highest. Further details on the allocation and qualifying criteria can be found on our website;

Sustainable, higher environmental standards - every home will be constructed with a fabric first approach, with very energy efficient construction and insulation standards, supported by future technologies and Air Sourced Heat Pumps No Gas is proposed on the development. Every proposed home, Private Sale and Affordable, will have provision for an Electric Vehicle Charging Point to charge cars owned by residents to each home.

Our application allows for much less impactful street lighting than previously approved by Devon Highways under the existing planning consent, and our close working relationship with those officers has achieved a reduction in the street lighting being required. The net result of our lighting strategy will enable a reduction in the existing speed limit from 60mph to 40mph to be made across the top road (B3186) from Collaton and into the village by Butts Park (at which point it already reduces again to 30mph) - this is a real highway safety benefit to the community.

This application seeks to deliver over 20 acres of publicly accessible parkland, thus remediating the whole of the site, and dealing with the military contamination legacy once and for all.

This application proposes a model for the delivery of 12 business units (inc. parkland cafe) in a Shared Ownership way, to support the growth of local businesses, which typically spend money locally and employs local people.

This application also allows for regatta boat storage and an overflow village car parking area, should the community need it to run a shuttle bus service into the village.

The local bus service is proposed to be brought into the site, with a new purpose built bus stop and turning area, ensuring that children and adult users of the services are not standing on the grass verge of the existing 60mph road whilst waiting for a bus to arrive. People can also walk to the proposed new bus stop more safely than walking across and along the B3186 road.

An area has been proposed for allotments and an orchard, which will be gifted to the local community. The allotments will come with dedicated parking spaces.

This application allows for a Biodiversity Net Gain of 13% - this is emerging National Policy, and we are pleased to have allowed for it as part of our application. This is partly being achieved by extensive planting of new trees and hedgerows across the entire site and creating new types of habitats not currently on-site.

This application proposes to set land aside for a future development, should the need be proven. The land area already has Biodiversity Net Gain allowances made, so it is ready to be progressed in the future with access, infrastructure and facilities on its boundary.

Please write to us if you have any questions and we would be pleased to help answer them or provide you with further details.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

The Project Team

Contact details:

01454 301 500

Consultation video

Video introduction to the project

If you would like to see more, please click here to view the full length video.


Public consultation

March 2021 to April 2021

Local residents are invited to share their views on the the plans for Collaton.

Public consultation event

Friday 23rd April from 12pm to 6pm

Coln Signature Homes and Pillar Land Securities would like to invite you to the site to meet the team, view the current proposals and housing offers, and ask any questions you may have. You will also be able to register an interest in the Open Market, Affordable and Community Land Trust homes being planned.

Public consultation event

Saturday 24th April from 12pm to 5pm

Coln Signature Homes and Pillar Land Securities would like to invite you to the site to meet the team, view the current proposals and housing offers, and ask any questions you may have. You will also be able to register an interest in the Open Market, Affordable and Community Land Trust homes being planned.

Review your feedback

April 2021 to September 2021

Your views will shape our proposed plans.

Planning application submitted

September 2021

Our proposals will then be submitted to South Hams District Council for review and determination.

Public consultation events

Friday 15th and Saturday 16th October 2021

We have now submitted our application to South Hams District Council – we would like to share our submitted plans and discuss our proposals with you.

Friday 15th and Saturday 16th October
Friday – 12pm to 6pm
Saturday – 9am to 12pm
Noss Village Hall

Refreshments will be provided.
Plans will be available to see.
Come and speak to the project team.
We would be pleased to answer any of your questions.
We look forward to seeing you.

Planning validation

October 2021

The planning application has been validated and is live on the planning portal.

Planning Committee date

25th May 2022

Planning Permission Granted

14th September 2023

Land Purchase

February 2024

Enabling contractors start on site

May 2024

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