The site
Where is the site?
The site is to the north-east of Newton Ferrers, 400m walk from the Butts Park football fields to the nearest pedestrian access for the site.
How big is the site?
The site is approx. 35 acres / 14 hectares.
What did the site used to be?
The site was historically an RAF base, which was sold off by the MOD many years ago. Since then, it has generally been vacant brownfield and greenfield land.
Is the site proposed to be totally developed?
No, the land area to be developed is to the eastern side of the site, and the landscape parklands area is to the west of the site.
The planning application
Why is this new planning application being proposed?
The site at Collaton benefits from an Outline and partial Reserved Matters planning permission for 70 homes, which has not been implemented.
Our application is aimed at positively developing the opportunity to create a higher quality, more balanced housing mix across the site than previously approved, to more closely meet the needs of the local communities in the area. This involves changing the number, type and design of homes on the site, and producing a more comprehensive planning application which offers a broader housing mix and better range of sustainable uses on the site.
What type of planning application is being submitted?
The application has been submitted as a Full Planning Application for the ‘Construction of 125 dwellings (to include 46% affordable), commercial business units, landscaped parkland, community boat storage/parking, allotments, improvements to existing permissive pathway and public footway, enhancement of vehicular access and associated infrastructure and landscaping’.
Is this increase in numbers simply doubling the number of people on the site - what impact will this have on the adjoining villages?
No, we are not simply doubling the potential numbers of residents on the site. It is important to understand the difference in the more balanced housing mix now being proposed, and understand the comparison between a one or two bedroom socially rented apartment, for a local resident on low income, is not the same as a four or five bedroom detached house.
The Council’s housing evidence base shows that there is currently an imbalance in housing stock in the villages, with an under supply of smaller one and two bedroom properties and with larger three, four and five bedroom homes predominating.
This has the knock-on impact of forcing out local younger families, particularly first time buyers, and those already in the area, looking to downsize.
This problem is further exacerbated by people investing in property in the village as lucrative ‘Holiday Lets’ and ‘Second Homes’. For example, in Sept 2016, Noss Mayo was 36% Holiday and Second Homes, but in the last four years, it has accelerated and is now over 45%. With an ageing population in our villages, it's often the case that when houses are left to families, in order to realise the inheritance, the houses are sold, and in Noss Mayo particularly, more often than not, they are being bought as Second Homes / Holiday Lets.
Unlike the previous planning application, we are proposing a greater number of smaller one and two bedroom homes which will more closely meet the identified housing need. This will help the Parish avoid the problems faced by so many of our coastal communities, where second homes often predominate. This will also help create a more balanced housing mix and ensure a more sustainable community for future generations.
In our view, the previous approval did not provide sufficient smaller homes, and could have potentially continued or indeed exacerbated the imbalance of larger homes. By contrast, our new development proposal is designed to redress this imbalance by providing a greater number of smaller homes. We are working hard to achieve a development that minimises its impact upon the existing communities in the locality.
When did you submit the planning application?
We submitted our application in September 2021 and we hope it will be validated in October 2021.
How many homes will be on the site?
The application is a Full Application for 125 homes, of which 46% of them will be affordable homes, in a variety of types and tenures.
What type of commercial business units are you proposing?
We have received a lot of interest from a variety of local businesses, including a café owner, a bike shop, a number of office-based businesses and a retail shop. There is also the opportunity to provide a local community business hub space enabling bookable meeting space to be available.
When will the development start?
Subject to planning, the site would start being developed in 2022.
When will the development be completed and fully constructed?
This is a difficult question to answer, because the site is not going to be delivered at one time. However, we would estimate that the whole site might take up to three years to be fully completed and developed.
What sizes are the proposed new homes?
For the private sale homes, these will be a mix of two, three and four bedroom homes, in a variety of shapes and styles. For the affordable homes, these will be in a mix of one, two and three bedroom homes, in a variety of tenure types and designs. This provides a wider and more balanced mix than the previous approval on the site.
What size are the proposed business units?
The sizes of the business units will be discussed with the Council during the application. They have purposefully been designed to be flexible enough to accommodate a variety of small scale, local business uses.
How much parking will there be on the proposed development?
We are guided by the highway department at South Hams and Devon County, but as a guide, the development will meet the car parking standards of the Council’s adopted Supplementary Planning Document. Every house will have sufficient parking spaces to meet the required standard. The vast majority will therefore have two spaces or more, with some homes also having a single or double garage.
What public transport / access arrangements are being proposed?
We have proposed a bus stop inside the site to allow the bus to come into the development and let passengers alight. There is an existing bus route that runs along the B3186 which we can use – and there are already bus stops on both sides of the road at this location. We are also proposing to deliver a highway pavement from the site to Newton Ferrers, enhancing and improving the safety of the existing route to pedestrians. This was also noted as being a planning obligation on the current planning permission, which has not yet been implemented. The proposed development will benefit from much improved pedestrian access to Newton Ferrers and the surrounding Rights of Way, enhancing pedestrian connections within the surrounding countryside.
How will the development help the local community?
As part of our application, we have identified a number of areas that we can provide benefit to the existing village:- Boat store – as part of our proposals, we are committed to creating additional boat storage, which can be turned into community car parking during the peak season.
- Community parking – our consultation has shown that there is a proven requirement for additional parking spaces within the village, to assist with the volume of vehicles parking in the village.
- Parklands and wetlands – through the development of the site, we have an opportunity to develop a vast parkland setting with wetland habitat through the planting of over 1000 native trees and with the creation of a new wetland habitat to encourage a new range of species to the site.
- Business uses – the proposed construction of the business units will allow a range of office based businesses to work from the site at Collaton, with parking and facilities on-site.
- Community business hub space providing bookable indoor office meeting space with free wi-fi.
Will you have to make financial contributions to the local community?
The planning obligations with the detail of any financial contributions are set-out by South Hams District Council and Devon County Council on any planning application. However, we will push for any contributions paid to be kept within the village and the local community, where possible, but the final decision is made by the District and County Council.
Will there be an impact on local schools, doctors, dentist, and other local services and facilities?
Our research has shown us that the majority of the people that we are looking to provide homes for actually are already registered with the local services, because they already live and work in the local communities within the area. We are looking to allow local people an opportunity to return to the locality to live, where they may have been priced out of the local market, or they couldn’t find the type of home that they needed for their circumstances. As part of our consultation with South Hams and Devon County, we will proactively engage with them over the number of places within the local schools and other facilities.
Will the proposed development cause traffic congestion?
The aim is that the development will be designed in consultation with Devon County Council Highway Authority, so as to ensure that it does not cause any material adverse impact on the local highway network. Our highway consultant has been carrying out transport assessment and vehicle speed surveys, to determine the amount of vehicles that would potentially use the site, and what speed they would drive at. All of this detail will be given within our planning application, when submitted to the District Council. Our home working offer will reduce the need for travel to lower levels than standard type developments.
How will you make the development sustainable?
In accordance with current Government guidance, the development will be designed so as to be sustainable by proposing to deliver a broader range of energy efficient homes in a variety of shapes and sizes, to suit a multitude of local needs. In terms of the actual site, the homes are proposed to be sustainable with high-quality materials that are locally sourced and constructed using local contractors where possible, with good levels of energy efficiency.
Will the homes be able to be bought for ‘holiday homes’?
We wish the development to be occupied by permanent residents and not sold as ‘Holiday Lets’ or ‘Second Homes’. There will be a formal planning condition restricting the use of the properties to permanent residences, which will help avoid the problems of increasing underused properties already experienced within Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo.
How will the parklands be maintained?
The parklands area will all be put into a Management Company to maintain the landholding, and ensure that it is kept clean, tidy and well maintained for everyone to use.
Who are Harmony homes for?
Our Harmony homes are mainly designated for over 55’s, to local people who are in housing need, and would benefit from ‘a good neighbour’ calling in to see them.
One or two of the homes, dependant on the overall numbers, will be for younger local people, who have experience of working in-care or are undergoing training in the care field. In return for a tenancy at reduced levels the tenant will undertake an agreed number of hours a month being a ‘good neighbour’ to the other residents / tenants.
What if my mobility/health declines?
Primarily the homes will be one/two bedroom down-sizing flats, with space for a carer, or family to stay.
The homes will have many Lifetime Homes features such as wider doorways and higher electrical sockets. They will also have wet rooms, which should make it easier as you age, or if your health and mobility declines.
All the flats will have access to assistive technology.
Are the flats for sale or rent?
Harmony flats will be let at a social rent, which is around 50%-60% of market rents.
The flats will be leased to a housing association and will be allocated to local people on the Devon Home Choice housing register.
If I’m interested what are my next steps?
If you would be interested in this type of housing, please follow the link and complete the expression of interest form. This does not commit you to anything. It just enables us to show both the local authority, and ourselves, the types of homes needed at Collaton.
Who are our Horizon homes for?
All our Horizon homes are designated for over 55’s, and importantly, will have access to assistive smart technology, if and when needed.
We are looking to deliver new homes, which are spacious enough to give the flexibility to have friends and family to stay, carers if needed and are economical to heat and easy to maintain.
The homes primarily will be two-bedroom bungalows/dormer bungalows and will be integrated within a wider scheme which also contains family homes, rather than as part of a retirement village. These homes will enable local people to downsize within their own community.
What if my mobility/health declines?
The majority of the living space will be on the ground floor with a second bedroom upstairs.
The homes will meet Lifetime Homes standards which means wider doorways, level thresholds and higher plugs and sockets. They will also have wet rooms which should make it easier as you age or if your health and mobility declines.
If required, for those who have a specific need. we can also build bespoke dwellings which have the capacity for a platform lift to be installed and have reinforced joists to take a tracking hoist.
All the homes will have access to assistive technology.
Do I have to buy?
Because everyone has different needs and funds, we can provide a mix of options:- Outright purchase – you sell your property and purchase the freehold of a Horizon home (leasehold if it is a flat).
- Shared equity - we are looking to give you as much choice as possible and so for those of you who want to retain some of the equity of your existing home or don’t have enough equity to purchase the home you need you can choose to buy at a discount or as shared equity.
- Rent to buy - you can rent your Horizon home whilst you sell your own property, before purchasing.
What is shared equity?
Horizon shared equity does not involve paying a rental element and once the equity share has been purchased there is nothing extra to pay other than the usual everyday bills.
You decide how you wish to structure your purchase and we would work towards making that a reality for you.
If I'm interested what are my next steps?
If you would be interested in this type of housing please follow this link and complete the expression of interest form. This does not commit you to anything it just enables us to show both the local authority, and ourselves, the types of homes needed at Collaton Cross.
Independent living
Who are Independent Living Homes for?
Our Independent Living homes are designated for those with learning and/or physical disabilities who may need homes which are appropriate for their day-to-day needs.
Primarily two-bedroom homes flexible enough for carers and family to stay, integrated into a wider scheme which also contains family homes, rather than as part of a group environment.
Are the homes for sale or for rent?
We hope to deliver not only a tailored approach to the build of the property but also a tailored approach to the tenure of the property dependent on individual circumstances.
I have a physical disability/learning disability how will these homes cater for my needs?
The properties will be new build using a tailored /bespoke approach to your housing needs in consultation with you and your support network.
Homes will be carefully designed and rich in assistive technology to enable people to live independently.
If I am interested in what are my next steps?
If you would be interested in this type of housing please follow the link and complete the expression of interest form. This does not commit you to anything it just enables us to show both the local authority, and ourselves, the types of homes needed at Collaton Cross.
Who are Rentplus homes for?
Rentplus affordable homes are for local people who are working or in training and aspire to own their own home at some point in the future. You need an income of less than £80,000 a year (in line with ‘Help-to-Buy Shared Ownership’) and unable to save for a deposit.
Are they for sale or for rent?
Rentplus is an affordable rent to buy tenure which enables you to rent, save and own your own home. You pay an affordable rent (usually 80% or Local Housing Allowance). The rent paid to the housing association includes repairs, maintenance and service charges.
The shortest rental period is five years and the longest is 20 years and this is agreed with the housing association before your tenancy starts. The rental period will hopefully give you the opportunity to pay off debts, show you are creditworthy and to save.
Would I be eligible for a Rentplus home?
If you are working or in training, have a local connection to Newton and Noss, an income of less than £80,000pa and you are unable to save for a deposit, you may be eligible. You would need to be registered on Devon Home Choice, the local authority housing register. The homes would be allocated by the managing housing association.
If I am interested what are my next steps?
If you would be interested in this type of housing please follow the link and complete the expression of interest form. This does not commit you to anything it just enables us to show both the local authority, and ourselves, the types of homes needed at Collaton Cross.
What is co-living?
Co-living, is a form of housing which combines private living spaces with shared communal facilities, but also promotes social contact by providing the type of social spaces valued by younger people through shared kitchens, dining and relaxation areas.
What time of properties are they?
The homes are new build and can take the form of a large shared house or flats dependent upon the identified need and location. Tenants can rent a room/studio with private facilities and also have access to communal areas such as kitchen, dining and relaxing space.
How will the bedsits/flats be let?
Residents will have the flexibility to stay for as long or little as they need. The monthly rent will usually include a host of facilities such as Wi-Fi, cleaning, maintenance, utility bills and all the furnishings.
Would I need to find a deposit or pay any rent in advance?
No tenants don’t need to find deposits or rent in advance. Co-living spaces are ideal for people who are looking for complete flexibility and homes that are fully furnished, serviced and managed.
How does Vision work?
Sites designated for self-build will divided into fully serviced affordable plots with detailed planning permission. The plots will be sold at a 20% discount on open market value.
Who can buy an affordable self-build plot?
Priority will be given to those households with a local connection and a housing need through an allocations policy agreed by the local authority (South Hams DC) and Newton and Noss Parish Council.
Do I need to have building skills?
Having some knowledge of the building process will be necessary if you are wanting to complete the self-build yourself, however there will be the option for the builder to complete the shell of your home (custom build) for you.
How would I know the details of the build?
A ‘plot passport’ would be provided for every buyer detailing the rules and guidelines of the build. An example of these can be seen for the Graven Hill self-build scheme at Bicester.
How big a property can I build?
Primarily planning permission will be given for a three-bedroom detached house, with scope to extend into the loft space.
Multi-generational homes
What is a multi-generational home?
Multi-generational homes have flexible spaces which allow more than one generation to live together by enabling private self-contained areas alongside shared communal space.
What if my parents/other family members develop mobility problems?
The homes will be adaptable to suit family needs and will incorporate many lifetime homes features such as wider doorways, level access and provision for a stair lift.
How do shared ownership business units work?
An agreed share of unit is acquired by business owner into their pension (SIPP/SASS). Rent on part they do own is paid into their pension. Market rent paid on remainder to the landlord.
As the business owner makes profits, they can tax efficiently defer these into their pension. Once they have adequate funds in their pension, they can acquire more shares of the business unit until they own 100%.
What is iReach?
The iReach model enables a long-term residence for dementia care. Using a tiered approach, residents are able to remain in the same home as their illness progresses rather than having to move to access the appropriate care.
Could we access the care but remain in our own home?
The intention is that the iReach care home becomes a hub for care in the area and provides outreach to Horizon and Harmony models and to the wider public.